I have reviewed many a clit sucker on my page and they are my go-to to pull from the bedside drawer, but they all seem to do the same thing! So I was a bit apprehensive when Smile Makers approac...

As you’ll know if you follow me on the Sex Positive Instagram, I don’t review too many toys. I’m picky and I’m only happy to promote products that I genuinely love as nobody wants to spend money ...

Painful Sex? Have You Tried Ohnut?
OhNut was designed with renowned clinicians to help with painful sex. It is a soft, stretchy, skin-like buffer that sits at the base of the penis to stop it going too deep!

Low-quality sex toys use problematic materials like PVC and plastic softeners like phthalates and for every $1million of sex toys sold, Womanizer estimates 40 tons of plastics are produced.
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