Why have the UK governement deemed puberty blockers safe for cis kids but not trans kids?
What are puberty blockers? "Puberty blockers have been used for decades in cisgender kids who either are going through puberty too early, or, in some instances, kids who are going through pubert...

Animals that have evolved to avoid harassment
A recent study from the University of Exeter explores how females in various species show their "sexual quality." Typically, males in the animal kingdom flaunt more striking features than femal...

Cliterally The Best Needs You!
cliterallythebest.co.uk has been cited in Miriam's report as an example of what is being taught in school RSE. Cliterally The Best has never taught in schools or provided content for RSE providers...

Official statement following the recent 'report' by Tory MP Miriam Cates on UK RSE
"cliterallythebest.co.uk has been cited in Miriam's report as an example of what is being taught in school RSE. Cliterally The Best and it's content (for example, choking & anal sex) is not be...

Taking Part In Veganuary - Don't Forget Your Sex Life!
It's Veganuary - where some of us try and stay away from the animal products for a month or begin a permanent switch. Last year, more than 500,000 people took part but many only go vegan in terms ...
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