The Sex Positive Blog

Here at Cliterally The Best we focus on good vibrations! We believe feeling good should be prioritised and sex education is a human right & It's never to late to learn (or unlearn)! Read the latest shame-free sex + relationships articles on The Sex Positive Blog.

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Thank You for Saying No: How Rejection Builds Trust and Consent Culture

Thank You for Saying No: How Rejection Builds Trust and Consent Culture

Rejection hurts, but what if we saw a clear 'no' as a gift? In this blog post, I explore why we should thank people when they say no—especially in the context of consent and healthy relationships. ...

PleasureLibido Supplements: Genuine or Gimmick?

Libido Supplements: Genuine or Gimmick?

Are libido supplements the real deal or just clever marketing? Explore the science, psychology, and societal impact of these trending boosters in our balanced deep dive.

PleasureWhat they didn’t teach you about wet dreams

What they didn’t teach you about wet dreams

Most people know about wet dreams, likely they’ve had one themselves but many people don’t know the truth about what they are, who can have them and why they happen.

PleasureKissing Is The Main Character

Kissing Is The Main Character

When I tell you to picture the best first great kiss you’ve ever had, what comes to mind? (Seriously, close your eyes and really think about it…okay now open your eyes to read the below questions a...

PleasureHow to Squirt: The Spider-Man Method

How to Squirt: The Spider-Man Method

Explore the comprehensive guide on squirting, including techniques, tips, and debunked myths. Learn about anatomy, preparation, and the best sex toys and positions for enhancing your experience. En...

PleasureDid you know? Kelloggs was created to try and stop masturbation?

Did you know? Kelloggs was created to try and stop masturbation?

In the 18th and 19th centuries, folks around the world got pretty worked up about the idea of self-pleasure. While masturbation wasn't exactly smiled upon in Judeo-Christian beliefs, the strict m...

PleasureManaging Sexual Side Effects of Antidepressants: Your Guide to Feeling Like Yourself Again

Managing Sexual Side Effects of Antidepressants: Your Guide to Feeling Like Yourself Again

Discover practical tips for managing sexual side effects of antidepressants in this friendly guide. Learn how to communicate with your healthcare provider, explore lifestyle modificati...

PleasureHow Do Our Bodies Become Aroused?

How Do Our Bodies Become Aroused?

It’s safe to say, if you are reading this you will have experienced arousal at some point, but most of us would not be able to explain how this happens in our bodies. In this article I will be disc...

PleasureWhat is a Sex Swing?

Sex Swings: Are they for me?

If you and your partner are looking to mix it up or just try something new, buying a sex swing can be an excellent way to embark on a new adventure or try new positions without spraining something....

PleasureThe Surprising Bond Between Cannabis & Pleasure - by AIMA

The Surprising Bond Between Cannabis & Pleasure - by AIMA

Marijuana has often been painted with a brush of misconception and negativity, primarily due to its legality, which varies around the globe. However, the more we delve into the potential benefits o...

PleasureWhy do we get hornier over the holidays?

Why do we get hornier over the holidays?

Have you found yourself especially horny lately? Does the sight of a Christmas tree make you want to get ~especially cozy~ with your partner?

Pleasurewax play cliterally the best

Wax Play

Wax play is exactly what it sounds like! Often, it consists of one partner dripping wax onto another during or before sex. Wax play can be a great way to incorporate some excitement and thrill in t...

PleasureChoking: A Guide to Breath Play

Choking: A Guide to Breath Play

Over 60% of you have tried Choking in the bedroom at least once. This sexual act can be super dangerous when done incorrectly and most of us don't know how to do it correctly - we simply squeeze an...

Pleasuredemystifying the female orgasm cliterally the best

Demystifying The Female Orgasm

Growing up I learnt at a very early age that masturbation was something only males should partake in. I remember being 13 when the boys in my class would taunt the girls asking if they finger thems...

PleasureHow To Tell Your Partner What You Like In Bed

How To Tell Your Partner What You Like In Bed

We all struggle with it at some point for many reasons. Our lack of sex ed, the shame we learn growing up etc. Whatever the reason, it makes it an unnecessarily awkward conversation but when you ma...

PleasureYour Sweetest Self-Care-On-Lockdown Guide

Your Sweetest Self-Care-On-Lockdown Guide

Did you realize that you may be being asked to use this time of sweet you-time-isolation to your advantage? Yes, that means time to focus on you. What a gift!